Source code for pyamps.sh_utils

""" tools that are useful for spherical harmonic analysis

    SHkeys       -- class to contain n and m - the indices of the spherical harmonic terms
    nterms       -- function which calculates the number of terms in a 
                    real expansion of a poloidal (internal + external) and toroidal expansion 
    legendre -- calculate associated legendre functions - with option for Schmidt semi-normalization

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2017 Karl M. Laundal

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
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from __future__ import absolute_import, division
import numpy as np
import apexpy
from .mlt_utils import mlon_to_mlt
from builtins import range

d2r = np.pi/180

DEFAULT = object()
refre = 6371.2 # reference radius

[docs]class SHkeys(object): """ container for n and m in spherical harmonics keys = SHkeys(Nmax, Mmax) keys will behave as a tuple of tuples, more or less keys['n'] will return a list of the n's keys['m'] will return a list of the m's keys[3] will return the fourth n,m tuple keys is also iterable """ def __init__(self, Nmax, Mmax): keys = [] for n in range(Nmax + 1): for m in range(Mmax + 1): keys.append((n, m)) self.keys = tuple(keys) self.make_arrays() def __getitem__(self, index): if index == 'n': return [key[0] for key in self.keys] if index == 'm': return [key[1] for key in self.keys] return self.keys[index] def __iter__(self): for key in self.keys: yield key def __len__(self): return len(self.keys) def __repr__(self): return ''.join(['n, m\n'] + [str(key)[1:-1] + '\n' for key in self.keys])[:-1] def __str__(self): return ''.join(['n, m\n'] + [str(key)[1:-1] + '\n' for key in self.keys])[:-1]
[docs] def setNmin(self, nmin): """ set minimum n """ self.keys = tuple([key for key in self.keys if key[0] >= nmin]) self.make_arrays() return self
[docs] def MleN(self): """ set m <= n """ self.keys = tuple([key for key in self.keys if abs(key[1]) <= key[0]]) self.make_arrays() return self
[docs] def Mge(self, limit): """ set m >= limit """ self.keys = tuple([key for key in self.keys if abs(key[1]) >= limit]) self.make_arrays() return self
[docs] def NminusModd(self): """ remove keys if n - m is even """ self.keys = tuple([key for key in self.keys if (key[0] - abs(key[1])) % 2 == 1]) self.make_arrays() return self
[docs] def NminusMeven(self): """ remove keys if n - m is odd """ self.keys = tuple([key for key in self.keys if (key[0] - abs(key[1])) % 2 == 0]) self.make_arrays() return self
[docs] def negative_m(self): """ add negative m to the keys """ keys = [] for key in self.keys: keys.append(key) if key[1] != 0: keys.append((key[0], -key[1])) self.keys = tuple(keys) self.make_arrays() return self
[docs] def make_arrays(self): """ prepare arrays with shape ( 1, len(keys) ) these are used when making G matrices """ if len(self) > 0: self.m = np.array(self)[:, 1][np.newaxis, :] self.n = np.array(self)[:, 0][np.newaxis, :] else: self.m = np.array([])[np.newaxis, :] self.n = np.array([])[np.newaxis, :]
[docs]def nterms(NT = 0, MT = 0, NVi = 0, MVi = 0, NVe = 0, MVe = 0): """ return number of coefficients in an expansion in real spherical harmonics of toroidal magnetic potential truncated at NT, MT poloidal magnetic potential truncated at NVi, MVi for internal sources poloidal magnetic potential truncated at NVe, MVe for external sources """ return len(SHkeys(NT , MT ).setNmin(1).MleN().Mge(0)) + \ len(SHkeys(NT , MT ).setNmin(1).MleN().Mge(1)) + \ len(SHkeys(NVe, MVe).setNmin(1).MleN().Mge(0)) + \ len(SHkeys(NVe, MVe).setNmin(1).MleN().Mge(1)) + \ len(SHkeys(NVi, MVi).setNmin(1).MleN().Mge(0)) + \ len(SHkeys(NVi, MVi).setNmin(1).MleN().Mge(1))
[docs]def legendre(nmax, mmax, theta, schmidtnormalize = True, keys = None): """ Calculate associated Legendre function P and its derivative Algorithm from "Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control" by James Richard Wertz Parameters ---------- nmax : int highest spherical harmonic degree mmax : int hightest spherical harmonic order theta : array, float colatitude in degrees (shape is not preserved) schmidtnormalize : bool, optional True if Schmidth seminormalization is wanted, False otherwise. Default True keys : SHkeys, optional If this parameter is set, an array will be returned instead of a dict. The array will be (N, 2M), where N is the number of elements in `theta`, and M is the number of keys. The first M columns represents a matrix of P values, and the last M columns represent values of dP/dtheta Returns ------- P : dict dictionary of Legendre function evalulated at theta. Dictionary keys are spherical harmonic wave number tuples (n, m), and values will have shape (N, 1), where N is number of elements in `theta`. dP : dict dictionary of Legendre function derivatives evaluated at theta. Dictionary keys are spherical harmonic wave number tuples (n, m), and values will have shape (N, 1), where N is number of elements in theta. PdP : array (only if keys != None) if keys != None, PdP is returned instaed of P and dP. PdP is an (N, 2M) array, where N is the number of elements in `theta`, and M is the number of keys. The first M columns represents a matrix of P values, and the last M columns represent values of dP/dtheta """ theta = theta.flatten()[:, np.newaxis] P = {} dP = {} sinth = np.sin(d2r*theta) costh = np.cos(d2r*theta) if schmidtnormalize: S = {} S[0, 0] = 1. # initialize the functions: for n in range(nmax +1): for m in range(nmax + 1): P[n, m] = np.zeros_like(theta, dtype = np.float64) dP[n, m] = np.zeros_like(theta, dtype = np.float64) P[0, 0] = np.ones_like(theta, dtype = np.float64) for n in range(1, nmax +1): for m in range(0, min([n + 1, mmax + 1])): # do the legendre functions and derivatives if n == m: P[n, n] = sinth * P[n - 1, m - 1] dP[n, n] = sinth * dP[n - 1, m - 1] + costh * P[n - 1, n - 1] else: if n == 1: Knm = 0. P[n, m] = costh * P[n -1, m] dP[n, m] = costh * dP[n - 1, m] - sinth * P[n - 1, m] elif n > 1: Knm = ((n - 1)**2 - m**2) / ((2*n - 1)*(2*n - 3)) P[n, m] = costh * P[n -1, m] - Knm*P[n - 2, m] dP[n, m] = costh * dP[n - 1, m] - sinth * P[n - 1, m] - Knm * dP[n - 2, m] if schmidtnormalize: # compute Schmidt normalization if m == 0: S[n, 0] = S[n - 1, 0] * (2.*n - 1)/n else: S[n, m] = S[n, m - 1] * np.sqrt((n - m + 1)*(int(m == 1) + 1.)/(n + m)) if schmidtnormalize: # now apply Schmidt normalization for n in range(1, nmax + 1): for m in range(0, min([n + 1, mmax + 1])): P[n, m] *= S[n, m] dP[n, m] *= S[n, m] if keys is None: return P, dP else: Pmat = np.hstack(tuple(P[key] for key in keys)) dPmat = np.hstack(tuple(dP[key] for key in keys)) return np.hstack((Pmat, dPmat))
[docs]def getG0(glat, glon, height, time, epoch = 2015., h_R = 110., NT = 65, MT = 3, NV = 45, MV = 3): """ calculate the G matrix for the constant term in the AMPS model. The constant term is the term that depends only on the spherical harmonic coefficients that are not scaled by external parameters. This G matrix can be used to produce the full matrix. The structure of the matrix is such that, the product of the matrix with the first 1/19 of the model vector, will be model values of the eastward, northward, and upward components of the magnetic field, stacked in a column vector. glat, glon, time, and height must all have the same number of elements (let's call this N) Parameters ---------- glat : array Geodetic latitude (degrees) glon : array Geographic/geodetic longitude (degrees) height : array Geodetic heights, in km time : array Array of datetimes corresponding to each point. This is needed to calculate magnetic local time. epoch : float, optional The epoch used for conversion to apex coordinates. Default 2015. h_R : float, optional Reference height used in conversion to modified apex coordinates. Default 110 km. NT, MT, NV, MV: int, optional Truncation level. Must match coefficient file Returns ------- G0 : array an 3N by M matrix, where N is the number of elements in the input coordinates. There will be 3 times as many rows G0, since there are 3 components. Partionining G0 in thirds, from top to bottom, gives the parts that correspond to east, north, and up, respectively. M is the number of terms in the spherical harmonic expansion of B """ glat = np.asarray(glat).flatten() glon = np.asarray(glon).flatten() height = np.asarray(height).flatten() # convert to magnetic coords and get base vectors a = apexpy.Apex(epoch, refh = h_R) qlat, qlon = a.geo2qd( glat.flatten(), glon.flatten(), height.flatten()) alat, alon = a.geo2apex(glat.flatten(), glon.flatten(), height.flatten()) f1, f2, f3, g1, g2, g3, d1, d2, d3, e1, e2, e3 = a.basevectors_apex(qlat, qlon, height, coords = 'qd') f1e = f1[0].reshape(-1, 1) # base vector components as column vectors f1n = f1[1].reshape(-1, 1) f2e = f2[0].reshape(-1, 1) f2n = f2[1].reshape(-1, 1) d1e = d1[0].reshape(-1, 1) d1n = d1[1].reshape(-1, 1) d2e = d2[0].reshape(-1, 1) d2n = d2[1].reshape(-1, 1) # calculate magnetic local time phi = mlon_to_mlt(qlon, time, a.year)[:, np.newaxis]*15 # multiply by 15 to get degrees # turn the coordinate arrays into column vectors: alat, qlat, h = map(lambda x: x.flatten()[:, np.newaxis], [alat, qlat, height]) # generate spherical harmonic keys keys = {} # dictionary of spherical harmonic keys keys['cos_T'] = SHkeys(NT, MT).setNmin(1).MleN().Mge(0) keys['sin_T'] = SHkeys(NT, MT).setNmin(1).MleN().Mge(1) keys['cos_V'] = SHkeys(NV, MV).setNmin(1).MleN().Mge(0) keys['sin_V'] = SHkeys(NV, MV).setNmin(1).MleN().Mge(1) m_cos_V = keys['cos_V'].m m_sin_V = keys['sin_V'].m m_cos_T = keys['cos_T'].m m_sin_T = keys['sin_T'].m nV = np.hstack((keys['cos_V'].n, keys['sin_V'].n)) # generate Legendre matrices - first get dicts of arrays, and then stack them in the appropriate fashion legendre_T = legendre(NT, MT, 90 - alat, keys = keys['cos_T']) legendre_V = legendre(NV, MV, 90 - qlat, keys = keys['cos_V']) P_cos_T = legendre_T[:, :len(keys['cos_T']) ] # split dP_cos_T = -legendre_T[:, len(keys['cos_T']):] P_cos_V = legendre_V[:, :len(keys['cos_V']) ] # split dP_cos_V = -legendre_V[:, len(keys['cos_V']):] P_sin_T = P_cos_T[ :, keys['cos_T'].m.flatten() != 0] dP_sin_T = dP_cos_T[:, keys['cos_T'].m.flatten() != 0] P_sin_V = P_cos_V[ :, keys['cos_V'].m.flatten() != 0] dP_sin_V = dP_cos_V[:, keys['cos_V'].m.flatten() != 0] # trig matrices: cos_T = np.cos(phi * d2r * m_cos_T) sin_T = np.sin(phi * d2r * m_sin_T) cos_V = np.cos(phi * d2r * m_cos_V) sin_V = np.sin(phi * d2r * m_sin_V) dcos_T = -np.sin(phi * d2r * m_cos_T) dsin_T = np.cos(phi * d2r * m_sin_T) dcos_V = -np.sin(phi * d2r * m_cos_V) dsin_V = np.cos(phi * d2r * m_sin_V) cos_qlat = np.cos(qlat * d2r) cos_alat = np.cos(alat * d2r) sinI = 2 * np.sin( alat * d2r )/np.sqrt(4 - 3*cos_alat**2) r = refre + h Rtor = refre/r F = f1e*f2n - f1n*f2e # matrix with horizontal spherical harmonic functions in QD coordinates V = np.hstack((P_cos_V * cos_V, P_sin_V * sin_V )) # matrices with partial derivatives in QD coordinates: dV_dqlon = np.hstack(( P_cos_V * dcos_V * m_cos_V, P_sin_V * dsin_V * m_sin_V )) dV_dqlat = np.hstack((dP_cos_V * cos_V , dP_sin_V * sin_V )) # matrices with partial derivatives in MA coordinates: dT_dalon = np.hstack(( P_cos_T * dcos_T * m_cos_T, P_sin_T * dsin_T * m_sin_T)) dT_dalat = np.hstack((dP_cos_T * cos_T , dP_sin_T * sin_T )) # Toroidal field components B_T_e = -d1n * dT_dalon / cos_alat + d2n * dT_dalat / sinI B_T_n = d1e * dT_dalon / cos_alat - d2e * dT_dalat / sinI B_T_u = np.zeros(B_T_n.shape) # Poloidal field components: B_V_e = (-f2n / (cos_qlat * r) * dV_dqlon + f1n * dV_dqlat / r) * refre * Rtor ** (nV + 1) B_V_n = ( f2e / (cos_qlat * r) * dV_dqlon - f1e * dV_dqlat / r) * refre * Rtor ** (nV + 1) B_V_u = np.sqrt(F) * V * (nV + 1) * Rtor ** (nV + 2) # combine: G = np.hstack((np.vstack((B_T_e , B_T_n , B_T_u )), np.vstack((B_V_e, B_V_n, B_V_u)) )) return G
[docs]def get_ground_field_G0(qdlat, mlt, height, current_height, N = 45, M = 3): """ calculate the G matrix for the constant term in the AMPS model needed to calculate corresponding ground magnetic field perturbations. The constant term is the term that depends only on the spherical harmonic coefficients that are not scaled by external parameters. This G matrix can be used to produce the full matrix. Parameters ---------- qdlat : array Quasi-dipole latitude (degrees) MLT : array Magnetic local time (MLT) height : float Geodetic height, in km (0 <= height <= current_height) current_height : float height of the current N, M: truncation level (int, optional) - must match coefficient file Returns ------- G0 : array an 3N by M matrix, where N is the number of elements in the input coordinates. There will be 3 times as many rows G0, since there are 3 components. Partionining G0 in thirds, from top to bottom, gives the parts that correspond to east, north, and up, respectively. M is the number of terms in the spherical harmonic expansion of B """ qdlat = qdlat.flatten() [:, np.newaxis] mlt = mlt.flatten() [:, np.newaxis] # convert mlt to degreees phi = mlt*15 # multiply by 15 to get degrees # generate spherical harmonic keys keys = {} # dictionary of spherical harmonic keys keys['cos'] = SHkeys(N, M).setNmin(1).MleN().Mge(0) keys['sin'] = SHkeys(N, M).setNmin(1).MleN().Mge(1) m_cos = keys['cos'].m m_sin = keys['sin'].m n = np.hstack((keys['cos'].n, keys['sin'].n)) # generate Legendre matrices - first get dicts of arrays, and then stack them in the appropriate fashion legendre_arr = legendre(N, M, 90 - qdlat, keys = keys['cos']) P_cos = legendre_arr[: , :len(keys['cos']) ] # split dP_cos = -legendre_arr[: , len(keys['cos']):] P_sin = P_cos [: , keys['cos'].m.flatten() != 0] dP_sin = dP_cos [: , keys['cos'].m.flatten() != 0] # trig matrices: cos = np.cos(phi * d2r * m_cos) sin = np.sin(phi * d2r * m_sin) dcos = -np.sin(phi * d2r * m_cos) dsin = np.cos(phi * d2r * m_sin) cos_qlat = np.cos(qdlat * d2r) r = refre + height r_ratio_horizontal = (r / (refre + current_height)) ** (n ) * (refre / (refre + current_height)) ** (n + 1) * (n + 1) / n r_ratio_vertical = (r / (refre + current_height)) ** (n - 1) * (refre / (refre + current_height)) ** (n + 2) * (n + 1) # matrix with trig functions trigs = np.hstack((cos, sin )) # matrix with derivative of trig functions trigs_d = np.hstack(( dcos * m_cos, dsin * m_sin )) # matrices with P and dP stacked P = np.hstack((P_cos , P_sin )) dP = np.hstack((dP_cos, dP_sin)) G0east = P * trigs_d * r_ratio_horizontal / cos_qlat G0north = dP * trigs * r_ratio_horizontal G0up = P * trigs * r_ratio_vertical # stack vertically and return return np.vstack((G0east, G0north, G0up))